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I'm pretty sure Jesus is still alive. I mean if you can come back from the dead once, why not twice or three times or even more? Could be he's just really hearty and long-lived, or maybe even immortal. I think he's probably teaching kindergarten in Sweden or something. But his jeans are always baggy and no one notices that he wears sandals, even in the snow. Cold doesn't bother him. The kids love him, and he never tells them that he's really from Alpha Centuri and is really glad he's put that whole "Son-of-God" schtick behind him. He still believes in all that stuff. The whole love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek and that all of us are the sons and daughters of the glorious God that has thought up the infinite Universes. But he's older now, middle aged by Alpha Centurian standards, and he finally got the memo to just chill, teach the small ones the important stuff and monitor the earth until the primitives are ready for bigger and better things.

He listens to Hendrix and IMs with Muhammed every now and then. They haven't heard from the Buddha in a while, but they're psyched D. Lama is spreading some truth across this planet torn with war, hunger, disease and despair.

I can't say for certain that all this is true, but it feels right to me.

found and admired today: How spiders hang, motionless, and what their webs look like on drugs. I believe in the first link. I'm not so certain about the second, but still I like it. And for me no mention of spiders is complete without (kidsmoke). After all, we are seeing Wilco next Friday, and the spiders, they are singing in the salty breeze.


way before


ATOM 0.3