Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Beer of the Month Club review part 3: Hoppy

Strong hops aroma right off the bat. Nice head, great caramel color. First sip hits all the right spots. Hoppy and bright but not overbearing. Good body, good fizz, a lingering pine finish but not especially bitter. Once again Lucky Bucket achieved their goal by creating a beer that is full of flavor but not too heavy. This beer is clearly an IPA, but it's the kind of IPA you enjoy even more on the beach and one that you might offer to a non-IPAer to show them the delights of this exceptional style of beer. It's less hoppy than the aggressive American IPAs, but richer and more carbonated than your typical British Indias.

If you love IPAs you will love this beer, and if you didn't before you just might after 2 or 3 of the Lucky Bucket.

The Nut Brown, from Michigan:

Wow, lots of sweet maltiness in the aroma and the first sip. Even more head/carbonation than the Lucky Bucket Lager, but also very smooth and drinkable. Honestly, I'm not the biggest nutbrown beer guy but this one is quite good. It has far more character & liveliness than something like a Newcastle because the sweet, caramely malt is balanced with just enough hops to give the tastebuds some action, something to grab onto and ride out all the way to the finish line. Which I am approaching quickly, because this one is also very very easy to drink.

My amazing brother gave me the gift of beer for my birthday this year. It's a Beer of the Month Club, and today I received my first delivery. Just now I cracked the first beer of the 12pack.

There were four different beers in the box, from 2 breweries. From Lucky Bucket Brewing Co: Lager & IPA. From Michigan Brewing Co: Michigan Nut Brown Ale & Peninsula Porter.

Based on the types of beers included in the shipment it was clear I needed to start with the Lucky Bucket Lager, then the Michigan Nut Brown, then the Lucky Bucket IPA, and then finish up with the Peninsula Porter.

Lucky Bucket Lager Review:
Strong lagery aroma and a nice head. It smells like a sweet Red Stripe and has a slightly darker color. First sip is very smooth with a surprising tartness that I really like. The finish has a bit of mustiness, but not in an unpleasant way. There's a touch of caramel and a bit of sour peach, but it is extremely smooth and very drinkable. Their literature says they were aiming for a session beer and they definitely achieved that. The tartness makes me want to take another sip and the body is present and clear without being cloying or syrupy. Definitely an easy-to-drink beer and the glass is growing increasingly empty as I try to identify all the interesting aspects of this well-crafted and unusual lager.


way before


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