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Don't Eat the Tinsel

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You thought they were just good for eating, but no. They're art, too.

And speaking of art, one might question whether random home movies or movie trailer mashups really count, but I say they do. This thread on Daily Kos is a rather long list of some funny videos on YouTube. I considered going through them and picking out the best for you, but a) our net connection is hosed at home, and b) it's the week before the holidays, probably really really slow at the office and you need distractions like these videos so that you don't start eating tinsel and screaming mangled Christmas carols at the top of your lungs to drown out the thumping bass of the little drummer boy.

For more distractions but this time of a musical variety check out The Hype Machine. Tons of tunes and lots of links to blogs discussing said music. Enjoy. (thanks Craemer!)

I'm wearing my brand new purple pin-striped suit today. I can't believe it still fits! I was at 'traveling weight' when I had it made in Ho Chi Min City after over 2 months of hot hikes through foreign cities and endless meals of rice. We're dropping off some Sassy Sweet Treats to some of our clients today and I gotta look the part. However, if more of those treats show up, this suit doesn't have a chance.


way before


ATOM 0.3