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Out of Tune?

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Got 5 years and a lot of patience?

Then grow some furniture.

Weffriddles is still working the minds of some of my friends. One of them is up to level 50. I'm stuck in the mid-to-late teens, but I intend to progress.

The answers this guy gives during a post-Judy encounter are absolutely insane. You must watch it. "What's the hardest part about being you?"

And if you only have a few minutes left, but you love music, then stick around and watch what can happen in the Fillmore, if the right person is playing. Or vice versa. "I was saved by rock and roll..." (thanks James!)

Tomorrow should be a good day for rock and roll. Trey is playing at the Warfield, and we're going to be on the floor. (thanks DanO!) Hopefully figuratively, as well. We shall see.


way before


ATOM 0.3