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The Elusive Bacon Wallet and Other Fun

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Morning! Going away party from work last night followed by a cheesesteak at the Metro followed by beers at Toronado followed by Weeds on TV made posting impossible last night. Well, I did write something, but rereading it again this morning, it just didn't work.

So let's play: Board Dots. Looks easy, seems easy at first, but it will have you sputtering before too long. When you're done being pissed off 'cause you can't get past level nine, take a time out and enjoy the musical styling W. He's covering U2, and he kills it!

Been a lot of talk about bacon recently. I had a great BLT for lunch the other day as a result of all that talk. But I have yet to pick up a bacon wallet. It would make a great gift for the bacon-lover in your family!

We've been doing research for our trip, and friends have been great about giving us tips. One I got yesterday from Horn was this site for finding great hotel deals. Not sure where we're gonna stay upon landing in Bangkok, but for the first two days of our honeymoon, we're looking for luxury.

For tunes check out the Rebirth Brass Band's new album called What's Going On. It's Marvin Gaye's music done RBB style, with lots of vocal guests. Tons of swinging, funky fun.

Alright time to "work".


way before


ATOM 0.3