Last night my wife was talking to friends about a program she's volunteering for this coming Friday. It's called
Street Yoga, and it is a program that trains yogis to work with kids that are homeless and at risk. Yesterday afternoon, a potential customer asked about another program we sometimes work with called
The Women's Initiative. They help low-income women get grants to start businesses, and train them to be entrepreneurs.
They can always use volunteers. There is a great program called
826 Valencia, created by author David Eggers, that helps kids become better writers. They, too, are volunteer-hungry. Another friend works for
City of Hope, and they are doing their
Breast Cancer Walk in just a few weeks.
I bring all this up because recently I had a chance to hear Mayor Newsom speak, and volunteerism is a big part of what he's pushing these days. He's an excellent speaker. He'll step up to the podium, speak for 20 minutes without notes, using details and specific numbers about the city to bolster his message. And currently, his message is: Non-profits need our help. As he put it, "7 out of 10 non-profits would rather have you give time instead of money." That is why the city started a program called
SF Connect, and it is a great way to find organizations that need your help. I need to do more myself. We all do! I know it's not easy with so many fun distractions in this amazing city, but it truly is a civic duty to find programs that you believe in, and help people improve their lot. We all have so much to offer, so let's do something with our enthusiasm and energy besides making lots of money and
dancin' all night.