Well, things are moving along much quicker with the HD videocamera + Macbook + iMovie. Ran into one glitch that set me back some, but Lu found a page on
How to Avoid iMovie Annoyances. Right there in the middle is that bit about letterboxing. Set me back a good hour waiting for the machine to do something I didn't want it to do. Easy enough to start over, though, and the software is a breeze. The tough part is taking the footage and stitching together something enjoyable. Not gonna get to put it up tonight, though. Soon!
Instead I've got a few other videos for you. The first is animated art and very cool. It is called
Blissful. Next is the first in Jan Svankmajer's Food series:
Part One -Breakfast.
Odd stuff there, but extremely compelling. Haven't watched
Lunch and
Dinner yet. I'm saving them for tomorrow and the next day as something to look forward to.
Last video for the day is pure f*cking brilliance. It's the
F*cking Short Version of the Big Lebowski. I suggest you watch this one at home, or with headphones on. It might not be suitable for your workplace, but it will definitely make you laugh.
Alright, back to Bigfoot editing. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can get it online!