Got travel on the brain, and seeing as I love to write, travel writing seemed like a good fit. But then I started reading about the true life of a travel guide writer on
Killing Batteries and it doesn't seem nearly as much fun as I thought. Of course, to travel, you need maps.
This site combines the power of a wiki with the ease of Google maps, so people can work together and provide important/cool/interesting information on specific locations. Or, for purely US information with a focus on hiking trails, there's
Trail Link.
There are other ways to travel besides physically, though. Music can take you on a journey, too. But sometimes I need help finding just the right songs or bands. The web has been an amazing tool for locating great tunes, but I definitely need some help along the way. After all, the music isn't going to find itself. If you're into the wacky psychedelia of the 60s, then
Technicolor Web of Sound is the place for you. If you're not sure what bands or music you want, but you've got a sense of what characteristics you're looking for in music, then give
musiclens a shot. And if you are tired of the bullshit from the RIAA, record labels and how musicians always seem to get the shaft, then
Magnatune is the right place for you to pick up some new albums.
Spent the evening car-hunting and the choices are so vast it's nearly impossible. And it's not just on make/model, but also whether we want to spend less and buy something outright, or spend more and get financing. It's crazy! I figure we'll just keep being dilligent, look at everything we can, search the lots, search craigslist and be ready for when the Universe lines up right and suddenly our brand new (used) vehicle is sitting there right in front of us, ready to be ours. After all, that's pretty much exactly how I found my wife. Well, not so much with craigslist, but there were definitely some pre-concert parking lot parties I strolled around in wondering if she was at that party, too. Turns out... she was, and, I knew her! I just didn't know it then. Thank god I found her before she was off the market. Now she's mine forever! Hahahaha!