Well we just watched the video footage from High Sierra, and there's gold on there. Some shite as well, but that's to be expected in 1 hour and forty minutes of musical debauchery. I'm thinking I can get it down to about 20 minutes and have something really good. And there are a few segments that will stand alone quite nicely. I haven't attempted to edit film in many, many years. Last time was in college and I was using actual 16mm film, a splicer and editing tape. To be able to do it all right here on this machine or on the new Macbook is going to be a real treat. Working with the wedding footage will be much more straightforward. That's more of a trim. High Sierra is going to require splicing scenes and overlaying music in an attempt to craft something coherent and interesting from a wide range of silliness. Lots of great music there. In fact, my favorite band is actually a five way tie between:
The Disco Biscuits, The New Mastersounds (the NMS's site is broken right now, but I'll check again in the am) ,
Garage A Trois and
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. All of them rock live, and each is utterly different than the last.
Back at work today was the polar opposite of the above raging fun. I think I need a vacation from my vacation to get ready to get back to work. But I did find some good things through the portal of my new work computer. It was nice to have a new machine, but having to reconfigure it to my liking even as I was trying to catch up on work and make sales was no easy feat. But then again, neither is
lighting off 35,000 bottle rockets.
And speaking of launching off, the Space Shuttle Discovery took off on July 4th, and
NASA is covering the mission thoroughly. You can download the launch video about halfway down on the right. It sometimes boggles my mind we can pull that off at all. And then sometimes I cannot believe that we're still stuck on this rock, barely scratching at the deep void just above our
feeble atmosphere.
Last offering is Cityfeeds. There's SF, NYC, LA, Toronto and a bunch more, including
Baghdad. The site calls what it does "Aggregedited Content", which is their term "for the culling together of many sources of diverse syndicated content into a usable format for web users." Basically they take a variety of content sources about each city and keep it updated to provide a snapshot of the current trends and ideas in each locale. Sounds useful, but the true test is how often I go back to see what it has to offer.
I know what my bed has to offer, though. After the rocky, pineconey discomfort of a High Sierra with a broken airmattress, those downy covers look inviting indeed.