Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Flying Tools,The Living Blues, Festy Tunes and Making Fun of Cruise (among other things)

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I know I'm going to have to sit down and spend a while writing about our wedding weekend, but right now it's just too fresh. I need to savor it within me a little longer before I can spread it out on the page. Simply put, it was the most incredible weekend of my life. Having our families and friends around us in such a perfect setting was truly special. What Lu and I heard over and over again this weekend was that the event was the perfect reflection of us, and that it was a whole hell of a lot of fun. Obviously, that means it was a complete and total success. Tacohen had some nice thoughts over at mediajam. We're going to turn our wedding webpage into a repository of everything that occurred, and I'll post the link as soon as it's ready. Tonight we're watching the 3 hours of videotape, and I hope to sweet cheebus in the clouds above that the Bigfoot Session early on Saturday morning was captured properly.

But I've been lax in the last week so I've got lots of links to lay on ya today.

This tool would have helped people find the best time to buy plane tickets. It only just went live, though. Use it the next time you have to travel.

For music we've got The Living Blue. Kinda punky, kinda indie, and definitely rockin. And music is big on my brain right now 'cause tomorrow night we're leaving for the High Sierra Music Festival. Not everyone would choose this as what they do the weekend after they were married, but Lu and I simply could not miss it. Besides, our real honeymoon isn't for a few months.

This next one will take a bit to download, but I promise you it's worth the time. 2001: A Space Odyssey edited down to 2001 seconds. Brilliant. And while we're waiting for that to download, you can watch a little Southpark. Better yet, it's the somewhat rare T. Cruise in the Closet episode that Scientology was so pissed about. Enjoy.

Even though we're back in SF, we're pretending that we're kinda honeymooning, so we're going out for a nice dinner tonight. The Alamo Square Seafood Grille has a nice prix fixe menu we've heard great things about. I see crustaceans and crushed, fermented grape juice in my future, and I'm very happy about it indeed.


way before


ATOM 0.3