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I gotta be quick and dirty today 'cause I slacked last night. Well, not so much slacked as played poker till 1am. It was great, but I didn't win, so really it was just okay. No, it really was great, but winning would have been awesome.

Crazy shit going on in the world today, so I'm gonna get a little political and give you some of the sites I check every day to stay up to date and enraged. Crooks and Liars, ThinkProgress and Talking Points Memo are my three main go-tos. All democrat/progressive, and keeping a careful eye on the foolishness of this administration. Follow their links to delve even deeper.

The Wall Street Journal has a nice little page that is constantly updated with developments in the Israel/Hezbollah crisis. It's my been my first stop every morning for the last few days.

Last link is called BAGnewsNotes, and although it is political, the site is a little different in that the focus each day is on particular media images. Both the site's owner and the commenters anazlyze the images, and I've found their analysis to be both interesting and insightful.

I feel as though we are moving closer to the brink every day. I'm hopeful this crisis ends before something truly insane occurs.


way before


ATOM 0.3