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Pulled a doozy last night. Was hanging with my friend for her birthday and I sunk deep into the couch after checking out The Motet at 12 Galaxies, and then the next thing I know I'm waking up somewhere, with something buzzing in my jacket pocket nearby and then I realize it's 4:20am, I'm not a home and my wife thinks I'm dead. I wasn't, I was just so beat and totally out. Stumbled home in a bleary-eyed daze, apologized for worrying her and the promptly fell asleep again.

Luckily, work is a cakewalk today. We're off to Angel Island at 11am for the company picnic. Never been over there so I'm psyched to check it out. I understand you can camp there and that's something I'm gonna look into while we're picnicing today.

Lips/Ween at the Greek Saturday night has me very fired up. Jupiter is a possible pre-show choice, but Raleigh's has the far larger patio, and more beverage choices. With a group our size, we'll probably have to take over the latter even though the former is nicer.

Gotta pump out a few sales call this morning, then it's nothing but sun and weekend fun.


way before


ATOM 0.3