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Blogs and Bridges and Bigfoot

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Another hot one in The City today. I did get out a bit, but a full day of glorious sunshine would have been much better than a full day of inglorious phone calls. Alas, to play I must work, at least for now.

Bought our plane tix after work this evening! That felt really good. On Sept. 7 at 1:05am, Lu and I will fly away on China Air, stop briefly in Taiwan, and then land clear on the other side of the world at Bangkok International Airport (BKK). There's a return date on the ticket for early November, but frankly I don't want to spend a moment of time thinking about that. I'm sure on our travels, we're going to see some pretty odd things. Stuff like this.

Yesterday I linked to an image of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was taken by my friend Cassidy and was actually part of a larger project he worked on about a year ago. He took a photo of the bridge every morning and every evening and posted the results on the above blog. The work as a whole is quite interesting, and the photos are gorgeous. I would love to see other photo projects in this format, but for different landmarks in other parts of the country. His work alone is powerful, and putting together more like this would be amazing. I just love how each photo reveals a different aspect of the bridge, the tree, the fog and the environment of this incredible human-made feat-of-engineering. Take the time to look at each photo, you won't be disappointed.

Here is another intersection of bridges, highways, photography and blogs, but this site is far more political, far less beautiful, yet still very interesting.

Last bit is Bigfoot. I promised some wedding Sasquatch, so here you go! It's frustratingly dark in the beginning, but it gets brighter and it is pretty fun. Enjoy.


way before


ATOM 0.3