"What the hell is an aluminum falcon!??"
Published Thursday, August 10, 2006 by Bones | E-mail this post
Have you heard of
Owen and Mzee? One is a baby hippo, the other a tortoise. They live in Africa and they are friends. Scroll to the bottom of the page linked and read about how Owen was saved, and their friendship started.
I've seen a lot of what I thought were ravens lately, but I wasn't sure if they were, in fact, crows. And then I realized I really didn't know what the difference between the two are, except for that ravens are larger.
This page has a nice run-down of the two species. The both of them are
very smart animals.
Lastly is a little Vader recap 'cause these are just too damn funny.
Chad Vader.
Smartass Vader. And
here's the scene you never saw when Vader had to make that dreaded call to his boss to tell him that their brand new, almost finished Death Star had just been blown to bits by "a bunch of teenagers" and the aluminum Falcon. Hilarious.