There's an understanding among my friends that while at work, you can't just go throwing around certain words, especially when it comes to certain foods. Instead of calling them by name, we call them
Code Words. And with good reason!
To mention them is to want them, and stuck behind a computer at work there is simply no chance to
go out and get some. The problem, of course, is that now "Code Words" is pretty much just as bad as saying the actual name of the delicious food itself. Another problem is that you really can't find good Code Words
out here in SF. (scroll to the map at the bottom for proof.) The best bet is
making them yourself.
Okay, there are
fireworks exploding outside. I have no idea why. My guess is the SF Giants. But it could be any old crazy thing in this wacky city.
And speaking of wacky cities, The Man burns in 17 days. Lu is hard at work creating costumes for us, and I can't stop going through the list of gear we'll need. Our friend can't stop talking about the carport tarp structure he's going to build to keep our tents shaded, and I can't help but wonder what kind of crazy experiences we're going to have within world of
Black Rock City. It exists for one week every year, appearing in the desert like the
Black Fortress, and then fading back to dust and memory as the last human leaves and
barely traces remain. Apparently, my friend Michele just sold a guy some boots for Buring Man. She said to say hi to him if I see him. He'll be the only guy with a Flaming Tuba. Michele,
is this the guy you're talking about? I have absolutely no doubt that I'll see him, and I will definitely say hi.
But for now,