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NPR's Intern's Tunes

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Today's music is brought to you by the intern Lars Gotrich from NPR's All Songs Considered. I always look forward what the host, Bob Boilen, has to offer. But on Aug. 10, Bob had Lars step up and spin some tunes and I loved a lot of what he played. So to you via me, via Bob, from Lars.

First off is Comets on Fire. Go here to listen to the tune Dogwood Rust. Classic rock and roll with a metal edge that just doesn't stop. You'll get rock-face just listening to them.

Next from Lars is an artist called Herbert and his new album Scale. Never heard him or even of him until today. The song is really fun! And Herbert is unique in that he samples sounds from unusual sources. On that link above, click on media and give a listen to the free mp3 called "Movers and Shakers." Beyond being a great tune, the delivery of the media is a neat viral marketing tool. I want the download, so 3 friends are gonna give it a listen, too. It's a groovy dancin' tune I know they will enjoy. Here's a review of the album that will give you a more thorough introduction to Herbert if you haven't heard of him before.

Last from Lars is The Necks. They are an Australian three-piece (piano, drums, bass) and I'll let their web site say the rest: "The deceptive simplicity of their music throws forth new charms on each hearing. Not entirely avant-garde, nor minimalist, nor ambient, nor jazz, the music of The Necks is possibly unique in the world today." I only heard a clip of Abillera on the show, but apparently the tracks are quite long and powerful. I like that in a song. Here's a bit of two of them.

Although only 23, Lars has an encyclopedic knowledge of music, and there are a few other bands he plays on the show. Just as interesting as the music played, though, is the conversation between Lars and Bob. Every week I look forward to what All Songs Considered will reveal.


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