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If you are coming to the festivities at the West Coast Festivus Headquarters then you're going to hear these tunes. If you can't make it then go ahead and download the tracks and put some holiday mash up your earhole. And speaking of the earholes, this past weekend was full of rockn'roll goodness. Trey was fun on Thursday night, but the Disco Biscuits impressed me even more on Sat night, and the latenight New Mastersounds show at 12 Galaxies was off the funky hook. Even though it was after 4am, they kept us moving. The DB's covered this song as their encore and it was hilarious campy fun.

I can't believe people actually use this 'trail', but there it is. Craziness.

Alright! You know what time it is! It's time for Numberwang!!

Last offering is a game that is fast and easy, but utterly addictive: Chaos Theory. Let the explosions fly. Let your reactions be chained.


way before


ATOM 0.3