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In CO. Stayed with our friend Tad and his family last night in Salt Lake City, then blasted over to Avon, CO which is right near Vail to stay with Lu's sister Jaimie.

The drive has been good, but we've been dealing with more weather than I like. Snow in Tahoe, then rain, then more rain on the way to SLC. This morning it was more rain and a lot of it, followed by a crazy hailstorm with some thunder and lightning. It rained on and off through the rest of the day but as we got closer to Vail, the snow really started in. Luckily we arrived here in the early evening and only minutes later it really started dumping.

The cats are doing well overall, but Bandha (the male cat) is handling the drive so much better than Chumby. She is just pissed about this whole process, but at this very moment she is actually eating some food and drinking water, and that's a very good thing.

Pix tomorrow!


way before


ATOM 0.3