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The Beastie Boys Rule

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There's no point in paraphrasing the email I just got, so I'm just going to post it, in its entirety.

dear patrons of the arts,

we are planning to document the last 2 gala event shows of this tour. but we are also interested in your experience of getting ready for the shows to get another perspective on the events.

so if you have tickets for either the detroit (sept 25th) or chicago (sept 26th) gala event shows, and you own a video camera, please begin to document your preparations for the show.

if you are shopping for an outfit, or picking one out from your closet, ge
tting mentally and physically prepared for the show, doing your squat thrusts or drinking margaritas... whatever it is that you do in the days, hours, minutes, leading up to the show, please document it. you can also bring your camera to the show to record your arrival, hanging out at the show, leaving, driving home..... of course we are not looking to to make AIFST! But you are welcome to use your camera to document your experience at the show.

and then send us the footage, and we will try to include it in our film of the show.

if you want to register to be a part of this, please email us at this address - galaevent2007@yahoo.com - and put "GALA EVENT 2007" in the subject line.

as always, thank you for your patronage, and we'll see you on the ice.

beatsie boys
Yep, they're that fucking cool.

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ATOM 0.3