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It's been days since I've been on here, but that's all because I've been having fun in the real world!

Camped on bluffs above the Pacific Ocean with no one else around. Drove the coast north with mile after mile of breath-taking beauty. Lu will have pictures uploaded soon, and I'll post them right away.

I do want to say goodbye to Robert Jordan, though. I have been reading the Wheel of Time since 1990 when the first book was published, and I have been eagerly awaiting the twelfth and final book which was due out sometime in '08. Jordan has been sick for a while, though, so this doesn't come as a surprise. But I am very sad to lose an amazing writer and it is distressing that he was not able to finish this epic tale. He did tell the ending to the people who were helping him, and I do hope that someday we get to hear how it all ends.

"Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather." Goodbye RJ and thank you for all the amazing words.


way before


ATOM 0.3