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A Long Night Ahead

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Festivus is almost here and I can't freaking wait! More than anything, I'm just looking forward to having this place filled with friends. We were supposed to get the pole tonight, but we've pushed that Home Depot run until tomorrow. And if you can't be here but you've got something to air, you know where to go. (You'll have to fix the address before you send. Can't make it too easy for the spambots.)

So looking over my recent posts and it's clear I've got a theme going. Lots of astronomy and photos from the dark reaches of space. Perhaps part of that is a response to the fact that on Saturday night the stars will have a long, long time to shine. I love the winter solstice. There is something sublime and beautiful about the longest night of the year. Which also makes for a long night of games during the Feats of Strength. Call me crazy, but I'm nearly certain there's a poker game or two a-brewing.

Check out this frozen sea. Or put the face of a loved one on a ring for your finger.

I signed up for this site tonight, but I'm not sure if I'll use it. What I still love most about the web is all the information there is to read. I'm still not really in the habit of watching videos online. I suppose that will change. It will probably be sites like Miro and Joost that make it happen.


way before


ATOM 0.3