Well it was definitely a winter wonderland up there in New Hampshire.

Almost too much for the Honda. There was a lot of fishtailing and skidding in the driveway of my brother's snow-bound home in the hills.
Oren gets a ton of play on this blog, and at home he's the star every single day. Unfortunately, that means that Brook--the dog--isn't getting quite as much attention.

So this is a little homage to an awesome pooch. She's so smart, loyal and strong that I'm sure, one day, she's going to pull Mark out of a keg-party and drive him home.

After playing with the dog we took a stroll up the jeep trail and then stopped to make some snowpeople! We were thrilled with the idea of someone else wandering up the trail and being greeted by their tiny, snowy grins.

But let's go for a few links. The first of which is a
classic cafeteria sport, updated for the digital age. Also check out the
evolution of Google. I remember using google in '97, but I don't remember the logo looking like that. And speaking of Google,
Google Base is a service they offer that I haven't thought about in years, but it seems it's becoming quite useful. From
recipes to
jobs and everything in
between, give it a look next time you're searching for something on the web.

I realized looking over this photos that without this final one, the snowpeople don't really appear as they should. That should clear it all up, though.
Labels: brook, google, snowpeople