Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

A book of photos, haikus flow through poses true, children's yoga joy

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Well it's not at all the way I expected, but I've been published in a book. Lu actually published the book, but I wrote the haikus. It is called Full of Joy Yoga Kids and it is just absolutely adorable. The book takes you through the poses and stories Lu uses to teach her classes using photographs of her students in San Francisco. I'm very proud to have been a part of this, and I'm so excited that she was able to put this together. It was a ton of work, but really, nothing stops her. And look at that! Just in time for the holidays. It surely would make the perfect gift for a lovable child in your life!

Okay enough pimpin, but no seriously go buy it. That is our ticket to the big time. In fact, instead of just buying it, talk to the hotshot kids book publisher in your family, the one with an in with Oprah and let's make it happen! A Full of Joy Kids Yoga Book for YOU and YOU and YOU and YOOOUUUUUUU and EVERYOOOONE! I can see it now.

I can also see the bones of your feet whenever you put on these socks. Or here you can see what causes aging. Unless you're so old your freaking eyes are falling out. I hear that happens after 33. And here you can see what it looks like when some kids ignite about 30,000 matchstick heads. Definitely don't try that at home. But do try Kids Yoga!


way before


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