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Almost Livable

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The apartment is finally approaching livable status. Boxes still reign supreme, but furniture has begun to take a stand. A couch, dining room table, 2 desks and some book shelves are now in place it is a wonderful thing. Any time now the wall will start to fill with images and art and then sometime down the road we will be able to sit back content and completed. We're not there yet, though. It's really kinda hard to believe that we started this whole process back in September when the first boxes were assembled and we began to pack.

I cannot wait until we are done. But at the same time, I also cannot devote every waking minute to this long, tedious process. Sometimes I have to step back, sit down, read the paper, whatever, anything really to just not be opening any more boxes, not move any furniture. Not paint walls or put shit away.

I just hope we're finished by Festivus.

Here's way to get free stuff on the Net. Here's a way to make Ikea crap better. And the One Laptop Per Child program is extending their sale because of high demand.

Monday after a long vacation is never easy. Good luck and have fun!


way before


ATOM 0.3