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Timing is Everything

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It's rather amazing how much life can change from one day to the next.

Take Oct. 16, for example. When that day started we had an apartment in SF. When that day ended, we were 637 miles away in the midst of the Great Salt Lake, and homeless except for the kindness of friends.

November 5, yesterday, was almost exactly the same, but utterly opposite. Started the day homeless and then ended it with a key in hand, for exactly the type of apartment we wanted, in the 'hood we were aiming for, as easily and simply as we could have ever hoped.

Lu was cruising the streets of New Haven between apartment appointments, jumping online whenever the MacBook grabbed a signal. A new one popped up on Craigslist, she made the call and after checking the place out sent a text message to me with the words I so badly wanted to see: "This is it!"

After finishing my second staffing firm interview I raced to the car and then drove over to the Willow Street place. The door was left unlocked by the landlord so that I could have a look and immediately upon entering I knew Lu was right. I called her, then the landlord, and he met me at the place a few minutes later.

"We love it!" I told him.

"It's yours," he replied, handing me the key.

No credit check. No references. He liked Lu, loved her website and trusted that we would be good tenants and pay the rent on time. A lease would be forthcoming. Our check would be handed over sometime soon. We shook hands, detailed a few minor items and then he walked out the door with a wave and smile.

"Stay here tonight, if you want!" he had told me. Even though Nov. 15 was the official day of the lease's start. Even though he had nothing from us but a promise and a shake. I stood alone in the middle of our empty apartment in New Haven, CT and I wondered--with a great big grin on my face--what amazing things were going to begin there within the walls of our home.

It feels incredible to have found our place. Now the real fun can begin. Finding furnishings to make this place comfy and cozy. Bright colors for the walls. Walks around our neighborhood to discover our new community.

And one of the best parts of the whole day happened only moments after Lu first saw this place. She drove away, around the corner and suddenly she saw the only other person we know that lives in New Haven. Turns out our friend lives only 1 block away.

Timing is everything, and for now, everything is going our way.


way before


ATOM 0.3