Happy Halloween!
Published Wednesday, October 31, 2007 by Bones | E-mail this post
Took a bit of a break from posting to recover from the trip and because it's be a rather interesting adjustment to my former life. (Which currently feels like it very well could have been a dream. A really really really really really awesome dream.)
Gotta figure out what I'm gonna do to get my machine hooked up. A wireless USB adapter would probably do it, but I've hesitated to make the purchase because I already freakin have one of those, but it's packed and in storage for when we make the final move into an apartment in New Haven. Brilliant planning, I know.
But enough bitching. Let's talk
All Hallows Even. I love tonight is a 'magic' night where the spirits and supernatural forces can cross the border into regular life.
Music feels especially wonderful on this night, and I'm sad I'm not at some ridiculous concert
dressed like a fool and having the time of my life. Next year we will be definitely be having a party, and when we do,
I'll be bacon.