Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Almost There

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Last night in the last place that isn't my home in the last 24 nights.

Don't get me wrong, I love this house I grew up in. Mom and Dad have been amazing. But having our place--our own walls and windows and thresholds--is absolutely essential.

Tomorrow night I'm sleeping at home with my wife and the kitties. It's going to be a wonderful family reunion. I can't wait!

Here's a game for Friday fun. Here's what they are showing instead of a new 24.

And as I sit here with In Rainbows playing, I find a blog post about a statement by Radiohead declaring sales speculation is incorrect. They don't give any numbers of their own. But apparently some people think the number 10 is important to this album, and in fact is a clue to... something. I'm going to give it a try, though. Why the hell not?


way before


ATOM 0.3