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Huge step up in life today.

I have a writing office. It'll double as a guest room, Lu's dressing room, and a storage area for Lu's crafty supplies, but a desk and my computer are in here, and there are doors I can shut so I can write. In the last apartment it was almost an office, because I was set up in the bedroom which was far back and quiet, but at night if Lu went to bed and I was still writing it became sorta difficult to type quietly.

Now one of two things are gonna happen. Either you'll notice the quality and quantity of the writing here increase, or it'll drop off a bit because I've finally managed to actually start writing a novel. This is definitely the best shot I've ever had at accomplishing that. Far less fun things to do and far fewer friends to do them with than in SF. And winter. Nothing says stay in and write like bitter cold and ice falling from the sky.


way before


ATOM 0.3