Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Caught in the Headlights

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When we drove across the country, I was worried about a lot of things. Speeding tickets, the cats in the back seat, mechanical failure and accidents topped the list. But it wasn't until after Colorado that another concern crossed my mind. And by the time we were pulling into Lu's parents' house in New Jersey that concern had become the overwhelming obsession of the drive. Turns out my fears were extremely well-founded. In 2 of the states we drove through there was a 109 in 1 chance (or worse) that we were going to hit a deer. And hitting a deer is catastrophically bad for the deer, the car, and the people in that car.

But here's a quick lesson on a 10 second way to tie a tie. Looks kinda complicated at first, but I'm definitely gonna give this a try.

And this is an exhibition I would absolutely LOVE to see. Even better, though, would be the real deal.

Last bit is a game I found last week that is both difficult and rather addicting. It's called Ragdoll Invaders. Enjoy.

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