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My Way Is Better

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There's a lot of ways to use the world around you. It is not always the intended path or the 'right' way to do things. Often 'right' really means 'usual' and as we all know, habits are easy to form but hard to break.

If enough people have the same habits it can turn out that what is just the most common way to do something isn't necessarily the best. To the right is a habit in spite of intention. There is a lot of that in the world. Where people take the parts they have, and create something better and more interesting.

Good mashups fall into that category. But it doesn't have to be music. IE googlemaps + craigslist which was vital to our New Haven apartment search, or this one called The Hype Machine. They are hacks and mashups and incredibly useful.

Or Check out these things you can do with food. I especially like the way he hacks open a mango.

NYC tomorrow and WEEN on sat night. Cannot freaking wait.


way before


ATOM 0.3