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Sunday Blahs

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Figures. I made a plan to blog about the NYTimes Sunday edition last week because I had found a ton of great articles and interesting things to pass on. And then the very next week... nothing. So I'm not going to just toss a few desultory Sunday Times links at you trying to appease some artificial mandate I created for myself. I said I would blog the Times so I am, but only to tell you it was boring as hell today.

Instead, from Slate, here's a guy who tried to get his 5 month old baby into the hands of every presidential candidate, and then rated how well they did with his little tyke.

Also, the Darwin awards for 2007 have been announced. Macabre, perhaps, but some of these people are just insane.

And the last bit for tonight is just a very cool image/illusion.

Winter Storm '08 has begun. A nor'easter is making its way into CT and we could have six inches by the times it's over. Gonna have to get up a little extra early to get the shoveling done before I stroll off through the snow to work.


way before


ATOM 0.3