Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Trick Shots and Other Digital Fun

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To the right is another image from Guatemala, but this time from Laura. I love the colors in this photo, and the way the little is nearly lost in the vibrant patterns around her.

a.placebetween.us is a great Googlemap tool. The name says it all. You need to meet up with someone, but you maybe don't know the area, and so this site tells you what cafes are half way between the two of you. Simple and useful.

Check out these 2 videos. First one is dominoes + pool and it runs out over 3 tables! Next is a clip of these 2 guys who have an amazing talent. I am 100% sure there was no trickery or special effects used. I'm just that trusting.

And the last bit for today is a site that is Exhibit A of why I love the net so much. It is over 5000 images from the LA Times and the LA Daily News, selected by researchers at UCLA, digitized and made freely available. The images span from 1920-1990 and they are really fun to look through. Pick a year and see what went down.

I'm on a plane tonight. Heading east for a little surprise visit with the family. Mom hasn't been well, but she's on the upswing and I want to be nearby to keep her company as she gets her strength back, and to give Dad some help getting things done. It's also Mom's 60th birthday on Monday and I really want to be there for that. I'm also quite excited that I'll get to see Melissa only weeks before the baby is due. That's going to be a real treat!


way before


ATOM 0.3