Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Strike 3

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Wow, what a weekend. Not only was the beer magically delicious, but the weather was spectacular both Saturday up north, and Sunday back in SF. After Saturday's 1pm-5pm Beer Extravaganza we headed back to the site to cook up some dinner, then somehow found our way to the softball field where a game of kickball was just, well, kicking off. After that it was time for some full-contact wiffle ball under the lights complete with arbitrary scoring, tackling, pegging, pig piles and hilarity in general. Truly, everyone won.

Alright, on to links. Here's a site that aggregates Ebay auctions that are still under a dollar with a minute left. Next is a site I've mentioned before, but it's finally available in beta: Joost. Lu and I watched an episode of Heroes on her Macbook the other day, because we missed it when it was on and the DVR didn't record properly. It was the first real TV show-via-computer experience for us, and it was quite pleasant. I find it rather amazing that it has become so easy to do that these days. The future of TV is happening now. Joost is the next step.

The next step for me, though, is out to the ballgame. Giants v. Mets. And even though I love SF and I really do like the Giants, B. Bonds is a jerk and I'd rather see him strike out than get another steroid fueled home run.


way before


ATOM 0.3