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wake up! tourfilter is cool

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So we're moving. Back to the back to the east y'all. Looking at Sept/Oct to be living in CT again. I left that place when I was 18 for school, came back for one summer and then stayed in Boston for the rest of my college years, and beyond. 11 years total in Beantown then four years ago I headed west for SF. Lu soon followed and we've loved every second of our time out here. But family calls so we're on the go. I'm looking forward to summer-eve thunderstorms, but I dread the bitter wind of winter. I left the Northeast for specific reasons, and those frigid facts haven't changed.

No matter where we end up, tourfilter will be a tool I use often. I hate it when a band I like comes through town and I don't even realize it until they're two days down the coast. That's a problem when you're living in a great music city like SF. Too many venues!! I hope we end up close enough to NYC to see great music there, too.

Woke up at 6:30am this morning, sorta wondering why I was up so early. After not really falling back to sleep for the next 1/2 hour, I sat bolt upright and realized that I had a 7:30am meeting I had to attend. My subconscious knew something was up, but I didn't put it together until just the very edge of too late. I was out of the house, showered and ready, 13 minutes later. I was at the train just pulling up 4 minutes after that. By 7:27am I was exiting the Montgomery station and I wasn't even close to the last person to show up at the meeting. This clock would have made everything far simpler and less rushed, provided I could find it.

Which brings me to the fact that I'm friggin ti-red. And therefore, goodnight.


way before


ATOM 0.3