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Go Green

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Green is the buzzword of the moment but it is also a really good idea. Seems like since the Goracle started his quest to spread the word about the "Global Climate Crisis", this Green trend has really picked up speed.

There's a bank in SF called the New Resource Bank that focuses on sustainability, investment in green-friendly companies and uses green practices in their physical locations. Figures it would start here in SF, but I'm hopeful it'll spread further as more and more people decide to change their habits.

Then there's Playgreen, a wiki for green living, and Ideal Bite, which is a daily newsletter devoted to sustainable living. And to get them started young, here's a fun green resource for kids.

NPR did a story about the growing demand for construction companies that use green practices, back in 2006. Give it a listen. And just a few weeks away is the Green Apple Festival, which takes place all over the US on Earth Day. The Chicago lineup sounds the best to me, but I know a lot of people going to the one in Golden Gate Park.

If everyone changes their habits just a little bit, together we can make a big difference. Once you go Green, you never go back!


way before


ATOM 0.3