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Next Summer's Bathing Costumes are Scandalous

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Tonight's a quick one because I've spent the last four hours working on a submission for Common Ties. The due date for a story about "Travel" is tomorrow and I have been rewriting our adventures at the Gibbon Experience in Laos, transforming the journal entry from our blog into a more coherent, conventional piece. It was hard work but a lot of fun. Still, I feel like there is so much more I could have said. Getting all of it into a measly 3000 words was no simple task. This is only the first of many stories I am going to submit to this site. I'm really looking forward to this challenge and I am confident that eventually they will use something I write. While I slog away finishing this up, check out these amazing photographs from Antarctica.

I also rather enjoyed this best-of-craigslist post from 100 years ago.

And last link is a story of a bus-riding cat that seems to have captured the collective imagination of the global interwebs, but somehow I just can't believe it's real. I'll be checking Snopes over the next few days to see how this shakes out.


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