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More Madness for March

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Ljubljana, Slovenia. They don't have March Madness, but we do, and by the time you read this, (Thursday), it will be time again to scream at the screen and shout at the shots. I love that image. So many colors, shapes, shadows, forms. Scott has an incredible eye for the visual.

Here are some other great images, but these really have nothing to do with the person taking the picture. It's just pure nature from the ground up and up and up.

But if photography's not your thing and you can't find any trees to shoot, maybe this page will give you some fun things to spend your time doing and learning. Surf around, there, too. Ask Metafilter has some great stuff.

And I probably shouldn't even do this, because the last thing I want is more competition getting a spot on the server, but screw it. Share and share alike. NCAA Men's Tournament streaming online, for your crazy insane pleasure.


way before


ATOM 0.3