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Bracket This

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The pet food recall had me freaked out a bit on Sunday. Spent a while online making sure that the cans we had for our 2 kitties were in the clear. Turns out we did have a few cans from Nutro and Science Diet, but the product codes didn't match. Still, there's no way I'm giving those to the cats. Called Trader Joe's and was happy to hear that none of their products were affected. That's the cat food we typically use.

I hope Lu remembers to check my blog even though she's off in Vail partying down with her sister, her best friend and others. Lu's a huuuuge TJ's fan and I'm sure she will want to join the above TJ fansite. She will also be pleased the cats aren't being fed sub-par and dangerous cat food. You hear me Lu!?? Just cause you're a supersnowboarder now who goes out on a Monday night to an apres-ski BBQ and party doesn't mean you can just ignore your husband's blog. Jeez.

Weekend was fun despite the loneliness of Lu-ness. My brackets are in ridiculously good shape for someone who knows so little about college basketball. I've been enjoying the madness of March for several years now, but always very casually. This time I sat with the NYTimes sports section on the Wednesday before the tourney, digested what they dished out, check the records of each team, and then made the best guesses I could. Of course there is still plenty of time to go down in bright, brilliant flames of upsetting failure. But I'm already looking forward to Thursday. Of the 3 teams I've got winning it all I feel the best about Georgetown despite how heart-stoppingly close that game was.

Alright time to Daily Show my life by a factor of couch, and Ableson, this last bit is for you! Good luck with da blog. I'm fucking psyched you are writing again. And yes, the Angry Video Game Nerd is friggin hi-larious.


way before


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