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SF can have powerfully disruptive weather, and not of just the earth-shaking variety (if that's even weather). Example A would be today where it was approx. 75 and gorgeous. How is one supposed to work when there is warmth like that transpiring beyond the windows? Luckily, JP recognized the facts and insisted I go outside and take a weather break. And best of all, it was bright and beautiful coming home, which made the evening truly awesome.

Alright first off are more Wilco tracks. Enjoy. And act fast 'cause they won't be up there long. Thanks Dave! If anyone finds the rest let me know.

There is of course an ethical dilemma re: spreading someone else's art without their permission. Will some of you not buy the album because you find it online? Maybe. But I am also certain that Wilco will garner new fans based on these songs. Those new fans will pay to see Wilco live. They will buy a t-shirt or poster and if they really get hooked, they may even tell their friends about them, or buy their girl/boyfriend a ticket.

Personally, I'm going to buy the album directly from the band's website when it is available. And it has been a lot of fun over the last few days to find the new tracks online like little musical treasures. Plus there are no ads on this site, so I'm not making a dime off of them. It is a fact, though, that Walken fucking rocks and is so much fun to listen to. I cannot be expected to wait when it's out there for the taking.

For visual stimulation here is a rare astronomical sight. For your brain and general enjoyment this guy has a comprehensive list of some of the best movie monologues and scenes. Last bit is this lunatic that made his own rollercoaster.

And make sure you remember to do your brackets tonight or tomorrow! You have until tip off on Thursday to make your picks!


way before


ATOM 0.3