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Virus 2

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Ahh Monday. The Gem of the Week. The glorious day when we can stop being lazy and drunk and get back to work, get back to money-makin, get back to early wakeups and early bedtimes. Um, yeah. Awesome. Go Monday. No seriously, get out of here. I'm kidding about all of the above. You suck!

Except of course for tonight's television schedule. That's the one shining facet of an otherwise dreary, rainy, cold, winter Monday. (Tahoe got 5 feet of snow this weekend. SF has had rain. That's winter in these parts.) 24 is on, as is Heroes, and it turns out that (via birthday bro Mark) melissa's cousin billy is on the black donnelly's tonight on nbc, 10 pm est. he is a co-star and one of 4 irish brothers growing up in NYC. Check it out!

Florida was fantasic. Ate at Joe's Stone Crabs. Ridiculicious. Hit some golfballs far better than any of us expected. Lu's parent's were impressed with our 'natural swing' (or so they said:-) and I even got a few of those fuckers to sail straight and far. It was every time I sorta forgot what I was supposed to be doing that I hitit the best. It was annoying that we had 10 hours of travel home instead of just 5 like on our orginal Jetblue flight, but the 2 free roundtrip vouches are going to come in very handy. I also got the dreaded 'last seat' on the plane, which didn't tilt back, so I was nearly crushed to death when the person in front of me decided to sleep. She was cool about it though and tilted forward.

Alright let's see what I've managed to gather recently.

First off are some amazing ariel photographs. Many of them are by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and they're amazing.

Oh and don't even get started with Virus 2. Easy, awesome puzzle game that will steal a night from ya. I'm serious. Don't even click on it. You're done.

I've also got... ah fuckit. No one's here anyway anymore. Everyone's playing Virus 2. (Like I'm about to.) But first I need a beer.

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY MARK! I hope you rock it.


way before


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