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Scavenge This

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Great weekend! Spent Saturday in a mad-dash scavenger hunt through the city of SF. We were Scavenger Tribe Sector 4 and we rocked it. Didn't win and missed "first loser" by 1 point, but we had a damn good time, didn't get hurt, didn't get any tickets and didn't damage the car at all. Good stuff. The same couldn't be said for everyone. Infighting, injuries and accidents plagued the others, whereas our faults were inefficient time-use and some important missed opportunities. Next time a few more hours would be nice to ratchet down the stress a bit, but overall it was a fantastic, albeit rainy day. Ours was a fun SF-centric hunt, but there are a ton of 'net resources out there to help you plan your own. This one takes 3 weeks and a trip around the world.

Or, on the weekend of June 9-10 you've got BATH 3. It also takes place in and around SF, but the only instructions so far are "bring a tent and a sleeping bag." BATH 3 is really more of a treasure hunt than an actual scavenger hunt, the difference being a scavenger hunt is where there's a whole bunch of clues/items to procure and you race around trying to gather them. With a treasure hunt, each clue needs to the next with an ultimate treasure waiting at the end for the winning team.

Then you've got the even more cryptic "Game" where you don't really even know what's going on. No More Secrets is of that variety. And the more I'm reading about these events, the more I want to participate! It's daunting, though. Am I smart/capable/valuable enough to figure out what the fuck is going on? I'd like to think so, but this would be a surefire way to put it to the test.

Our event on Saturday was of modest proportions compared to the full-scale insanity that is The Game, (inspired by the movie of the same name) but it was an awesome birthday party for our friend Cathy. That it all ended at a bar with the captured pictures displayed up on the wall to determine the winners made it a fantastically hilarious day.

Sunday Lu and I worked hard on SE Asia trip video footage. Even went to a class at the Apple store for iMovie. Definitely learned a few good tips, but we'd figured out most of it just using it, which is a testament to its intuitive controls. We're going to have some video up really soon, I promise! That trip was like a scavenger hunt, too, but for our souls and with big things like Angkor Wat as a prize.


way before


ATOM 0.3