I have a big problem. I'm a person who loves to write, but I'm also a person that loves to do a whole lot of other things, too. I love to hang out with friends. I love to have or go to dinner parties, be they with 2 others or 10 others. I love to chill at my favorite bar and read the paper, all alone. I love to go to wine country with my wife and friends. I love to ride my bike through the park, to see music, to stroll through SF as the sun sets and the light goes crimson-gold against the street and buildings, to read books, to work on the copious amounts of raw footage I have to edit, and all of that cuts into the time I have to sit here and write. But if I don't write, I get edgy, grumpy, agitated and unsettled, all rolled into one.
I have a feeling the most successful writers love to write more than just about anything else, and that's just not me. And sometimes that results in weeks where I just don't write much at all. Which brings up another problem: the self-disgust that comes when I don't write as much as I'd like to. Oh Paradox, is there anything you can't make more complicated!!??
Enough bitching, though. It's time to get the job done and give you what you've been so patiently waiting for: links.
The climate crisis has hit the bigtime and
this mug is a great way to remind yourself that basically, we're screwed, and even worse, we screwed ourselves.
In the meantime, though it's important to have fun. However,
this site just might cause more problems than it is worth. Use with caution. I can see my oldest friend Matt snickering with glee over these ridiculous and dangerous ideas. He was always the one that figured out a way to combine substances for explosive results. And just recently, he got engaged! Congrats Matt! And I hope your fiance never sees the above site in your history bar. It would explain too much. He also always liked engines, so
this one's for you too, buddy. And you'll probably dig
this little site about gravity as well.
Lastly, check out
this photo of 3 awesome things in the sky off of the coast of Austrialia.
And I'm telling you right now that I'm going to work through my above problems and have all kinds of good shit for ya for this week, the next, the one after that and many more beyond that. Sometimes I need a break to recharge, but I will never stop writing. If I do for any long period of time, it means I've got serious problems far beyond the usual ones like life, fun, friends and books.