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Hidden Gems

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Blech. Feeling crappy today. Coughy coldy blah. I even got out of work early today and *didn't* stop off for a pint with the paper. But I'm good at kicking these things, and I anticipate being in fine form for the upcoming Winter Wineland in Healdsburg this weekend. We thought about doing some camping with our new awesome Sierra Design sleeping bags, but with temps like this, we're going to pass.

I almost passed on posting about Blitzen Trapper, but I found myself going back to listen to more of their music. So here it is. Freaky funky folk rock with some pop and sputter. I was also psyched to see that Ropeadope is edging ever closer to opening their digital music label. To tide us over and keep the appetite appropriately whetted, they have put up a sampler page. Enjoy!


way before


ATOM 0.3