The image to the right is a photo by
Scott, taken inside the Palau de la Musica Catalana, a ceiling designed by Domenech i Montaner. Gorgeous.
I'm looking forward to picking up
The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I saw this title on numerous "end of" lists, so I'm going to give it a shot. Sounds like just the kind of thing I enjoy. It is a post-apocalypse tale of a father and son trying to make a go of it in a shattered landscape and civilization. Bring it.
And speaking of post-apocalypse, my good friend Tina is taking a trip down to New Orleans to see
Jeff Tweedy perform. That in and of itself is quite awesome, but to make it even better, Tina has been contacting various organizations to see if she can help out. It's been over a year
since Katrina, but parts of New Orleans are still in shambles. Here's a few of the organizations she's contacted:
Relief Spark, the
St. Bernard Project and
Emergency Communities. She passed on a few others I'll post up another time, and when Tina gets back I'll make sure to post a full report of her experience down there, both the music and the volunteering!
The start of the new year also brings new laws into effect. Usually it's to tell you what else you can't do, but
this one actually relaxes some old regulations. As of January 1, 2007, beer purveyors are allowed to offer 'tastings' of their beverage in bars. I look forward samples at some of the fine breweries here in SF!
Last bit is pure silliness. Brilliant stop-action fun and superb editing in
Tony vs. Paul.
Alright, time to find out if the couch is as comfortable as I remember it from yesterday. I spent hours there recovering from NYE debauchery and I made a secret pact with it to love it forever.