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Feeling a little sour today 'cause I woke up at least once an hour all night last night, for no good reason. As if there's ever a good reason for that, except maybe to check on the wonderous overnight flowering of the magical money tree that I still can't get seeds for. I heard cats yeowling. I heard my neighbors engaging in relations. I heard the sound of my brain thinking and Lu's soft breathing. I had sweat of limbs and a touch of lumbago, and then just before dawn I finally fell deep enough to sleep to dream, and then the alarm woke me up. I couldn't remember what I dreamt but they left me... unsettled. However, I am happy to say that I did not wake up with Mr. Cratchet to the right in my back yard. That was my brother Mark's lucky treat.

At work I learned about 2 programs that are alternatives to Photoshop and Illustrator, and both are free and open source. GIMP is for image manipulation. Inkscape is for layout. As a result of not knowing about those programs and trying to work in Microsoft Suck--I mean Word--I had to redo the document I was working on, thrice. But lessons I have learned. And Inkscape is so much better than Word for this kinda thing, I wonder what the hell I was doing even attempting it with that program.

Fools on the Muni. War in the papers. Shitheads making speeches. Full moon in the sky. Maybe this rain that's just rolling through will soften and cool and cleanse the sour stink of my funky mood.


way before


ATOM 0.3