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Coming In From The Cold

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Didn't get to post last night 'cause I spent the evening with iDVD putting some clips together for my parents. Clearly the program is rather awesome, but going into it blind and trying to get a DVD together was a little tricky. However, the end result was a finished DVD, and I'm sure that's a whole hell of a lot further than I would have gotten with a PC program. It's amazing the way Apple's stuff just *works*.

To the right we've got an image from the sex district of Paris, via Scott. I'm certain he was only there taking, pictures, though. Also a big congrats to him because he just sold a few of his images to a band for their album art. Nice work man!

It's cold out there today in SF. Perhaps not cold enough to freeze beer, but cold.

Looking forward to seeing this film now that we've got MLK day off. It's a rare thing to see a flick with that high of a rating on metacritic.

Last link today is just plain scary. The Faces of Meth. Mouse-over the images to see how this substance destroys humans.

The iPod selected Marley to start off the day, and the song was absolutely perfect. It's amazing how his music still stands the test of time, and how sometimes, the 'pod just nails it.


way before


ATOM 0.3