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Today is a good day! Lulu returns from her Adventures in Vail, we're one day closer to the next round of the NCAA tourney, and two of my bestest friends in the world just landed in SFO and are--at this very moment--on their way to the Orchard Garden Hotel here in SF. Best part is they've got a brand new little one with them I get to meet for the first time. Their first child is probably so big now I won't even recognize him. Last time I saw him was at our wedding back in June and he was but a wee tyke. Now he's a big brother! So cool. Clearly, being the big brother is the Pole Position of the family. (take that Mark and Mike! Ha!!)

On to links. Here's another good site for finding music: Slacker. Here's a novel way to clear up a sore throat. Haven't tried it, but it sounds pretty good. I'll definitely give it a try next time. Next are the 10 Crack Commandments. Smooth, funky beats & rap.

Last one is a movement to give big media a bit of a shock the day after tomorrow. The aim is to get an indie/unsigned band to the top of the iTunes chart, thereby showing the power of the net, and the imminent demise of traditional record companies. Haven't heard the band, but I really like the plan. I'll be spending the $.99 on Thursday. Will you?

Alright, time to hit the road, see my friends and then scoot off to SFO to pick up the love of my life. Later.


way before


ATOM 0.3