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So today Digg.com was essentially unchanged. There were the usual posts and a few referring to the insanity of the night before, but it seems that the ripple of the event has now spread out into different parts of the net. Here's a good roundup of what all went down and why it matters. Oh and today is a first here on thrunk. I scooped the NYTimes with my post last night! Incredible I know. Really it wasn't hard to do. Timing is everything! If only I had their circulation.

JazzFest is now
. We're not there. I wish wish wish we were in Nawlins this weekend. But the Boonville Beer Fest is a wonderful alternative. Camping + Delicious Microbrews + Friends = My perfect birthday.

So this is the type of house I'm certain Lu wants. It would be a rather amazing way to live. I also really liked the sound of the city described in this Wired article.

Alright, this post is deep with words behind those clicks, but I might as well stick with the theme: 20 crazy coincidences. I don't believe all of them, but they're fun to read.

I can feel the velocity of the Earth around the sun whenever it nears my birthday. My 32 year ends tomorrow.


way before


ATOM 0.3