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Every now and then The Onion just nails it. For example the recent article about Dada and Wikipedia. Or should I say monkey asphalt green door slide parts? You get it right? Dada is the 'surrealist' art movement from the late 1910s. Nonsense words, bizarre juxtaposition. General foolishness and fun. More info here, if it's readable. Schizopolis is a great example of an awesome, utterly unique film that is definitely surrealist.

I'm gonna keep going for the weird tonight, so next is a page full of strange facts about the 1500s. These sound reasonable and informative, but to take truth from a single web page would be like only listening to your mom when buying concert tickets.

And then I was going to put up a page of all these crazy animals, but the page is down, so instead I've got what a business meeting would look like if people behaved like they do on the interweb. (Yeah, it's College Humor, but this one is funny. It's also got some graphic language, but I think you can handle it.)

We are down to 8 weeks left in San Francisco. There remains only a 10% chance that we'll make it to Burning Man. But then again, there's a 10% chance we could do anything at all. Still, I'll take it. And, if we don't make it to Black Rock City, I do want to devote that whole week to living life, as close as I can, to the ideals of that amazing city. Stuff like this. (thanks Matt & Tina!)

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