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Living With Obsession

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We have a brand new problem in our life these days. Not a serious one like what's going on with my Mom, but a problem of Time. See, we made a choice a fews years back, and now we're trying to live with the consequences. Instead of jumping in when it all started, we waited. I didn't want to get XFiled. Lu didn't want to have another show to watch. But now 3 seasons in all our friends and family are obsessed, and we have to keep leaving the room every time they start talking about it. So we made a plan. Once we got to the cold, dark, lonely days of winter life in CT, we'd settle into the couch, flip on the TV, fire up the DVD player and start watching LOST.

And now, we can't stop. The other night we polished off 6 episodes before dragging ourselves off to bed far too late, and I was nearly late for work the next day. I'm spending less time online which means less awesome links for all of you. And forget about job-hunting. Not when the Hatch is just about to opened! Not when we the Others are out there! We just finished Season 1 and have started Season 2 and we have only a few weeks left to get through all of them AND Season 3 before Jan. 31 and the start of Season 4. Could happen. But probably not. We'd have to watch night and day all freakin' month!

I must say, though, that I'm quite surprised that I don't know more of what's going on through leaks and spoilers by friends. Our ability to run away screaming with our hands over our ears or clicking quickly away from webpages revealing plot points has been impressive to say the least. One cool thing is that we can pretty much talk freely, though, to just about everyone else cause I'm pretty sure we are the last people in the US who have not seen this show. And yeah, it is fucking great.

But we were measured and judicious tonight, so I do have links for you. Here's Superman. So life-like! So... real. I feel as though I too am dancing through the clouds with Spiderwoman. Yeah. Spiderwoman. Don't ask, I have no idea.

And to all the haters out there who think 'beer' is 'bad for you,' well, go ahead and take a swig of this!

We all know that Dubai is a crazy-ass place with artificial islands of all types and insane buildings. But now they're going to clone Lyons, too. I guess money can buy everything, even replicas of another country's city. Why? To that question I have no answers.

Last bit may give you a seizure or make you twitch, but I guess I'm more hoping for quizzical laughter or something. I particularly like the way the "My Buddy" section goes from nostalgic to creepy in no time at all.

I get to go in to work at 9:30am tomorrow 'cause I stayed late today. That means I don't have to go to bed quite as early, and since there's no commercials on the DVD.... hmmmm.

"Hey Lu....?"


way before


ATOM 0.3